Full Day Kindergarten
A state wide K-3 Achievement goal is for all third graders to be reading at or above grade level. Through the K-3 Reading Achievement funds, the district provides an additional half day teacher to allow full day kindergarten at no charge to parents. In addition, they provide professional development for all kindergarten teachers, and additional materials to support kindergarten instruction.
The main objective of the Beacon Heights full day kindergarten is to meet the needs of all our students, including those in greatest need of additional instructional time to attain grade level reading ability, in positive and productive, balanced learning environments.
Making a request for the full day program does not guarantee placement in that class.
In an effort to facilitate our goal, we have established the following guidelines:
After kindergarten orientation and registration, every new kindergarten child will be
screened by the school screening team in the spring. After the screening is complete, the kindergarten children will be grouped according to skills in place, based on the information gathered. Taking the screening data into account, parent requests, and teacher evaluation, a placement committee consisting of the principal, kindergarten teachers, and a member of SIC will place twenty-four (24) children in each full-day class. The committee will create a balanced class of children, selecting students based on gender, academic ability, and special needs.