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After School Program

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Dear SLCSD Community Education Families: 
Welcome to After-School! We are excited to offer students the inquiry based learning that supports creativity, STEAM, Social and Emotional learning in our  after-school program. Community Education strives to provide all students with a range of enrichment experiences to ensure that every student is Ready for Tomorrow. After-School in the Cloud has been developed with the same standards of excellence and equity that you have come to expect from our District. 

Program Information 
Our programs begin when the regular school day ends and remain open until 6:00 PM. The After-School Program has focused its priorities to align to the school day. Daily rotations include: Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) activities, STEAM Activities: STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) These activities, Digital Citizenship lessons, Health and Wellness activities that focus on fitness and healthy choices.  In addition students will have access to enrichment opportunities based on their interests building upon student skills and strengths. 

Tuition assistance is available, please contact the site coordinator for more information. 

Coordinator Name: Kim Nguyen
Coordinator Email:
Program Hours: 3:15 pm- 5:50 pm

Schedule: Monday-Thursday - (Friday schedule varies)  
3:15 After School Begins
3:25 Snacks, Announcements, and Group Time
3:45 Recess Academic/Homework Time
4:00 Academic/Homework Time
4:50 Enrichment/Active Enrichment Activities
5:50 Clean Up
First page of the PDF file: HiringFlyer2022